Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hood River County

I spent a cool fall Saturday on the Fruit Loop in Hood River County.  What is a fruit loop?  Is this where they make the cereal that is so popular with the kids?  It is in fact NOT where Toucan Sam makes healthy cheerios. 

It's a loosely organized group of fruit growers and wineries who got together to do some marketing of what they have to offer.  And so I guess I'm lemming enough to need a little marketing to get me over there. 

We drove through the small boutiquey town of Hood River.  It looks both quaint and expensive.  We kept on driving. 

The particular weekend we were there was Heirloom Apple weekend, and Mt View Orchards was hosting their very own Edelweiss day.

First stop was Whitehouse Winery.  I was very hungover, and wine was the cause.  I did not want to be here.  Looks nice and my friend Jon bought a few bottles from them to restore his wine supply. 

Next was Draper Girls, whose claim to fame on the tour loop is they are the only provider of un-pasteurized cider.  That is exactly the type of intestinal adventure I was looking for.  I picked out the oldest one that was sitting in a warm spot and the bottle was bloated...no I didn't.  $3.50 a pint is about as much as a beer, so I picked a fresh cold one.  Verdict: among the best I have had in Oregon, not as good as cider from the Bay State.  I bought some apples here, too and they were about $1//# and the quality was good.  They probably had about 15 varieties out for sale, (no McIntosh) and I picked out some Rome beauties, Newtown Pippins, and Empires.

Mt View Orchards had way more varieties for sale and were priced in the 70 cents/# range.  The apples were not displayed to be appealing, with lots of stems and uglies.  People here were buying large quantities.  Edelweiss Day meant a tuba guy/yodel lady for music and sausages and apple strudel for lunch.  Dee-lish!  In hindsight, I should have bought a bunch of apples here.

I give Hood River County a thumbs-up and I will be back.  More apples and there's also a brewery, Double Mountain that I need to try.

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