Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wallowa County

Snake River Valley, as seen from Hat Point, Oregon.
Wallowa County, in the northeastern corner of the state, is not an easy place to get to. One does not happen upon this area unless one is intending to visit.  The Wallowa Mountains and associated lake and rivers are a 9 hour drive each way from Eugene.  We arrived late on a Friday to our campsite at Wallowa Lake State Park.  First impression? Our campsite was tiny and not in the most desirous location. The weather forecast called for a nice Friday and possible showers the next few days. We can handle a few showers.   

Saturday: Marla kayaked the lake in the morning while the kids and I went to the river and threw rocks in and tried to make a dam. The weather was holding so we headed for Hat Point. It was 30 miles to get to the dirt road. The dirt road was another 22 miles.  The first 7 miles or so were rough going, very steep, washboard roads and one lane that it for 2-way traffic. After that, the road conditions were much better. The payoff is the view from the fire tower was amazing. See the pic above.  You just had to earn the view by driving over 4 hours round trip for the pleasure. 

Evening came and the weather became a little less certain. I figured that most of the evening it looked like rain but since it didn’t, it won’t. I awoke to thunder and lightning at 1:30 am and a steady rain on the tent. It started far away. Marla & I held each other as the thunderstorm slowly came right over us.  The echoes ripping through the mountains and over the lake was so loud.  11 year old son slept right through it.

Sunday: It was still raining at dawn and seemed like a good time to get up. Our air mattress had a puddle underneath it, but we weren't floating yet. Letting the water out of the tent, packing up and leaving was the best option, especially when a park ranger said the weather was not going to change. On our way out, we stopped at the grave of Chief Joseph to pay our respects to the man whom the city of Joseph was named.

It turns out we couldn't handle a few showers.  

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